My role within tomandandy centralized on relaunching the commercial television sector within the company’s broader music production practice. This included reconstituting the existing portfolio and hiring partner agents to bring in production opportunities.
Within Disrupter, I was part of two teams working across the product portfolio, focusing on uNET and Umbilical. I led areas of technical and conceptual creative applications of the technologies, producing experiences with clients partners, team organization, and product management and vendor management for contracted services.
uNET (Multiple Patents Acquired by company US20160182350A1)
uNET started development in 2014 and is an original origin point of what has become part of the foundational approach the concept of Web3 - A network having a nodal architecture consisting of a child/parent familial structure formed by a parenting process which creates a structure relative to each node, with descendants below, siblings beside, and a parent above. In this network, a one-to-many relationship exists from the perspective of an entity that is an ancestor to multiple descendants. Thus, a parent may have many children, who each may have multiple children themselves, but each node will only have one parent. Data packets are routed to destination nodes by propagating from one node to the next via the tree structure.
Umbilical (multiple patents acquired by company US9071628B2, US20090077170A1)
Is a platform designed to increase fan engagement by connecting fans to the artist and each other, before, during, and after the event, using all the rich capabilities of their mobile devices including perfect synchrony of devices working in harmony without lag.The purpose of Umbilical is to more deeply engage fans and become part of the infrastructure of the show. There are many examples of the kinds of interactions that can be designed in collaborations with artists and creative directors working through the open API platform. The applications buildable on this platform are only limited by the imagination of the artist..